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Last Wednesday evening the kayakclub planned a surfsession at the beach near Bakkum. As conditions were good I joined the party because this was an ideal opportunity to paddle the Fjord in surf. Conditions: wind SW 6bft, waves 1,2-1,6m, temp seawater 19°C
Starting just after the high tide, with the sea lowering already, the waves were steep and rather disturbed while coming from several directions and zipping into each other, causing a kind of Clapotis as well.
At first I felt a bit uneasy under this conditions as the Fjord reacted on every wave with a kind of uncontrolled edging. Probably I had to get used to this behaviour of the Fjord as I did not notice this anymore after half an hour.
So after a while I paddled quite relaxed on the edges of whitecaps; mostly without bracing.
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A part of the testing kayaks is examining the design and compare it with the testresults.
Just to try understanding the testresult.
In the testreports on this website you will sometimes read that I noticed the widest part of the kayak being forward of the cockpit.
Every designform has it pro´s and contra´s. Experts consider as a pro of a hull with the widest part of the kayak being forward of the cockpit, that such a kayak is more directional stable.
In my testreports I refer sometimes to this theory.
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I just read on the site of P&H that they invented a new skeg system.
In contrary to other developments in the market, they claim to have followed the path for a simple solution which is also field maintanable.
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As you notice the appearance of my seakayakblog is changed.
I just decided to stop regular writing and to specialize on articles about more technical issues. The present technical blogposts will be integrated into my website zeekajaksite.nl
I will keep on using the blogscript for easy writing and uploading of articles to the website.
This way the possibility for readers to discuss, to comment, to add valuable or additional information to articles will be maintained. Although this possibility is not used often, I sometimes recieve feedback; something I highly appreciate.
Besides this the use of the RSS-feed will give readers the opportunity to be informed when new articles are published.
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Last saterday I joined together with Wieger, a tour from the NKB (Dutch Kajak Association) starting in Muiden. Because of the wind the original destination, the "island" Marken, was changed into Durgerdam which was shorter by as well as offering a more convenient course with the wind and last but not least also offering better surfing possibilities on our way back.
Although the area is very familiar to me, there was enough to be seen: 6 kayakers I did not meet before and two trainies practising for becoming an instructor. They practised issues like group-behaviour and paddletechnics on us.
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Circumnavigation of "De Kreupel" at 9 march.
The Dutch have a reputation where it concerns the creating of new land. Normally they create land for human use. This time however they created a forbidden area.
When the shippinglane "Lemmer - Amsterdam" needed some maintenance to make it suitable for bigger ships with less bottom-clearance, they started thinking about what to do with the 3 milj. m3 of sand which would be the result of this operation.
Happily they discovered a shoal in the neighbourhood, named "Kreupel". According to a map from 1568-1573, made by Cristiaan Grootens, this area used to be once an island where fisherman could find some shelter in bad weather. Years later the island disappeared under the waterlevel and was a shoal since.
Click on the map to enlarge
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Een rondje Kreupel
Nederland heeft een reputatie als het gaat om het creëren van nieuw land. Meestal gaat het dan om land dat door mensen in gebruik wordt genomen. Nu is er echter iets gecreëerd dat voor mensen verboden is. Toen de vaargeul Amsterdam-Lemmer moest worden uitgediept heeft men creatief nagedacht over wat er nu met de 3 miljoen m3 zand moest gebeuren welke daarbij vrijkomt Nu wil het geval dat er daar in de buurt een plaatselijke ondiepte, genaamd de Kreupel, is of liever gezegd was. Op een kaart uit 1568- 1573, van Christiaan Grootens, komt de Kreupel al voor als een eiland dat permanent boven water lag. Het bood de vissers bescherming bij slecht weer. Later is de Kreupel onder water verdwenen, maar is altijd een ondiepte gebleven.
Dat vonden de beleidsmakers een schitterende plek om het zand op te spuiten. Het resultaat van die inspanning zijn 2 zandplaten van 70ha. groot. Dit eilandenrijk is ongeveer 1500 meter lang en 500 meter breed en heeft ook de naam De Kreupel gekregen. De Kreupel bestaat uit twee kale zandplaten waar vogels kunnen broeden, rusten en ruien. Hier omheen ligt een gordel van ondiep water en klei-eilandjes. Om het geheel te beschermen tegen wind en water is er een stortstenen kade omheen gelegd die op enkele plekken onderbroken is voor een goede doorstroming. Aan de buitenzijde van de kade zijn plaatselijk ondieptes gemaakt die dienen als extra golfbreker en voedselbron. Staatsbosbeheer houdt de zandplaten kaal voor vogels en telt de verschillende soorten die er broeden en rusten. Het verdwijnen van de ondiepte zal misschien consequenties hebben voor de IJsselmeervissers die daar hun fuiken plachten uit te zetten. Voor vogels echter is er een waar paradijs ontstaan: sinds het opspuiten in 2002 en 2004 blijkt het een perfecte rust- en broedplaats, dicht bij voedselrijk water, te zijn voor grondbroeders, zoals visdief, dwergstern, kleine plevier en meeuwen. Men zegt al 112 verschillende vogelsoorten te hebben geteld!
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Underneath a report by the Maritime & Coastguard Agency who had been searching for 2 seakayakers. Everything turned out OK in the end. But had the kayakers communicated their plans of camping on the Isle of May (near Edinburgh in Scotland) before leaving, the whole search would not have been necessary.
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Today it felt about time for paddling some big water again. Apart from Hans (You can click this link for his report about our trip) and me, nobody else was available or was in the mood. As the weatherforecast did not say anything about a summersday, we went to the IJsselmeer, a relatively sheltered place, and planned Muiden-Marken vv., paddling both our AnasAcuta´s.
Early in the morning the black skies predicted heavy weather, but when we shove our kayaks into the water, the wind died and the skies lifted.
Apart from the cold wind this was a good day for paddling; a real "weather window" in between days of storm and expected rain. I enjoyed the skies and the sight of Hans' AnasAcuta dancing the waves.
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Did you ever have the feeling that seakaying is fine but that carrying the kayaks afterwards is a torment?