A part of the testing kayaks is examining the design and compare it with the testresults.
Just to try understanding the testresult.

In the testreports on this website you will sometimes read that I noticed the widest part of the kayak being forward of the cockpit.
Every designform has it pro´s and contra´s. Experts consider as a pro of a hull with the widest part of the kayak being forward of the cockpit, that such a kayak is more directional stable.

In my testreports I refer sometimes to this theory.

BUT: Until now I used the name "Swedeform" for a kayak with the widest part of the kayak being forward of the cockpit.
I know yet: This was not correct!

Ed, being one of my visitors, made me aware that I was using the wrong terminology. Not that I believed him at first, but after studying the subject and the arguments of Ed, I agreed.

The correct terminology for hull shapes is as follows:
Swedeform: widest part of the hull after the cockpit
Fishform: widest part of the before the cockpit
Symmetrical form: widest part in the middle