Today the kayakclub planned paddling in surf near Bakkum. Anoushka, who normally initiates these surfing events, did a good job as conditions were challenging in the 5-6Bft NW-wind. Perfect planning.

To leave the beach there were enough hands to push me off into the waves. Normally you appreciate this with a warm "thank you". Today however I asked not to push off because I wanted to learn how the 16X handled this with the fin at the underside of the rudder while dragging the fin through the sand. At first while pushing myself with 2 hands, like a seal, this went very well. In fact the fin only partially digs itself into the sand. When where was enough water under the kayak to start paddling the problems begun: when the fin touches the sand the bow pivoted away immediately under the pressure of the current along the beach. I had to work very hard not to wash ashore again while fanatically scraping the sandbottom with my paddle to keep bow pointing out at the sea.
Most short surfkayaks have also 1 or more fins at the stern. These fins will also plough into the sand, but may be the problems are less because these kayak are much shorter and very maneouvrable. But I guess that paddling such a kayak must be learnt as well.

The wind was blowing hard and the waves steep. Passing the dumping waves I needed 5 minutes to get used to the kayak: it feels if the broad aftship got sucked down while passing or that the wave gripped it to turn. However once used to this I did not have stability problems. At first I paddled upwind to come near the spot where I launched because the was an enormous drift along the coast washing me to the south. This was a good warming-up as well. Thus I paddled parallel to or in the waves breaking waves and the 16X handles this very well needing only an occasional low brace; sometimes being washed sideways to shore.
This was also a good comparison on speed with the others paddling in white-water-kayaks. Of course I went a bit faster but not what you expect on base of the speed potential of this kayak. May be this is not an honest comparison because there are lots of influences pushing you off course in the soup.

After a while I paddled further out at sea piercing the waves and although the waves slows you down did not have the feeling that there was a chance that the waves won't let me pass. So no risk being pushed or loped backwards by the waves. After some exceptional big waves the 16X landed splashing on the water. As there were no other seakayaks at the scene today I could not compare if this rocking was less than with other seakayaks. Because most occasions the 16X just glided ove the waves I think she rocks a bit less. I write this because Epic claims that her kayaks behave better in this than most conventional seakayaks. So yes, it could be that they are right. But I will look at this later in other trips at sea.

The bongoslide is the first technique you learn reaching shore safely in surf. So I let me wash ashore sideways in some big waves using the high brace. This felt very secure the kayak staying parallel to the waves. So the safest way for landing in surf is easy to perform.

Surfing a big wave gave an enormous feeling of speed. The high bow did not sink very deep and I don't think that she will pearl easy.
It was a pity that these fast surfs did not last very long as the kayak broaches quickly, ending up in a bongoslide. Today this was may be caused by the short waves.
I must confess that while manoeuvring in the waves I did not feel 100% secure because I had the feeling not being in full control: although the 16X is manoeuvrable enough and reacts quickly there was not enough symbioses between me and the kayak. This results in unexpected course changes, making me feel uncertain. Because of this feeling I did not go to the biggest waves more out at sea and just plays safe in the game today.

new rudderconstruction

All this had to do with the control over the rudder. It is just like I wrote before : the rudder responds not quickly enough. Besides that I think that I would like the rudder locked amidships for paddling in surf. The good news about the rudder is that Epic just improved the rudder-construction: the fin is made retractable and can be hauled up (good for launching from shore) and when in the highest position it locks the rudder amidships. Just like I think how it should work. I am sure I will be happier in an Epic with the improved rudder.

Heading out at sea the 16x sometimes leecocked a bit, especially in the gusts coming with a rain-shower. At those moments I quickly checked the rudder-position and conditions. When I corrected course with the rudder the leecocking was gone. So I am not sure whether this leecocking was caused by the rudder-position being downwind occasional or was caused by the kayak-design. I surely have to solve or explain this rudder-behaviour or getting used to it (if possible) before I can formulate the right conclusion on the behaviour and characteristics of this kayak.

I can also mention that I did not capsize today and thus did not enter an spontaneous occasion having to roll up. Of course I could have initiated some rolls myself but somehow I didn't. Surely because not feeling secure enough.

Aaah yes, I performed one strange roll: when finally heading for the beach to quit I approached very controlled in a bongoslide. In something like 20cm of water under the keel, the fin at the underside of the rudder hit the sand hard and blocks the kayak. Because the wave kept pushing the kayak I rolled down in a split second hitting the ground hard with my head. Just nice that someone invented helmets once ;-)

Inspecting the rudder I could not see any damage; apart from the tiny scratch at the underside of the fin where the topcoat was missing now. So I may conclude that the rudder-construction is strong. While inspecting I also discovered that one of the bolts from the carrying straps was gone bat that can not be caused by this confrontation with the beach. Still I have the feeling that sooner or later you can get damage at the ruder when often playing in surf. A rudder is moving part that is more vulnerable to damage and the forces in surf are high. Imagine a ig wave takes you back to the beach while surfing backwards. At a certain moment you hit the bottom with the rudder. What do you think? Well I guess the rudder will break.

Now I had to walk a bit to the beach-entrance. That was funny. Because the weight of the kayak is low she was like a toy for the wind. It was impossible to walk; not while carrying her on the shoulder nor with two hands. In all occasions the kayak turned continuously like a weathervane.

  • After this extensive description of today's session I feel that a summarisation might be an idea:
  • I think that the fin at the underside of the rudder is not a good idea because it makes launching and landing at the beach too difficult.
  • The 16x surfs well on big waves, but broaches quickly on shorter waves. So may be surfing big ocean- or wind-swell can be big fun. I hope I will meet such conditions later to experience this.
  • The 16X does not have a tendency to pearl in steep waves.
  • I surely won't advise the 16X for playing in surf. That does not mean that you can not paddle her in surf. It is easy and safe to launch and land (assuming you have the new rudder-construction with retractable fin) at the beach
  • The rudder responds too slow which is especially annoying in waves were quick response is essential to safe paddling.
  • The rudder-construction is robust, but may be the rudder can not withstand the high forces you can meet in surf when playing regularly.