If I look back in my weblog, I see that I have done quite a lot of kayaking for the last 2 months.
The test of the Vestvika is most responsible for that, together with the weather, offering me good testconditions. Besides that I didn´t want keep Bram´s testkayak for too long and return it within an acceptable period of time.
So tonight: kayaking again!
Now on the Alkmaardermeer with Annet and Wietse. Our mission was to perform the X-rescue with the Vestvika and shoot pictures of it.

As I was the victum, I dressed in my steamer for long periods of immersion in the water.
The middle of the lake was a realistic spot to perform our exercise; also the best place with some waves to make the decor.
We practised the X-rescue in 3 different ways: the normal way with the reentry between the kayaks, the version with the reentry from beside the kayaks And Wietse´s version (the kiwi-X-rescue) entering from the aft deck lying on your belly.
After finishing we concluded we should practise this kind of thing much more often. For now we could´t stop playing and we rolled, re-entried and so on...!
And if all this was not enough for one evening, we finished with a small tour in which Annet and I also exchanged our kayaks: the Vestvika and Sirius HF.
This gave me also the opportunity the compare both kayaks.
All together a very informative evening.