This evening I chose the 16X together with the Greenland-paddle for my “weekly” trip to the club on Wednesday-evening.
It was about time to use the Greenland-paddle again as the last strokes were about 2 months ago due to holiday and the test with the 16x which came by.
As conditions (almost no wind) were similar to 2 weeks ago this was a good opportunity to compare the influence of the paddle on the speed reached in the 16X.
After a few strokes, to get used to Greenland-style again, I was astonished about how easy it went: no fluttering, no splashing but soundless, powerful strokes.
- A few “facts”:
- average speed was 8.5 km/h over 19 km (varying between 8-9km/h) which is about 1-1,5 km/h slower than with the kinetic wing paddle.
- paddling frequency is higher than with the wing
- less tired; although my right arm was more tired because of frequent moving of my hand to the middle requiring more power because of the wrong lever
- It s possible, also at this higher frequency, to paddle more or less soundless
- no blisters today.
I polished the lacquer on the shaft with waterproof sanding paper.
- paddle-technique was comparable with wingpaddling and with good trunk-rotation.
- No conscious edging of the paddle-blades was necessary. Could it be that I already adapted this ??? May be I chose a different paddling style. I also discovered I paddled with my hands quite relaxed; the paddle did the work and as far as I remember of last time I had to edge the blades more or less with a bit of force.
- On each stroke I could hear (and feel) a bit of cavitation at the blade-surface. It sounds a bit like scraping with the blade over a sandy bottom. It happens only when making perfect strokes. May be this could mean that the cross section of the blades was not yet perfect.
While paddling I was musing what the benefits are of Greenland-style paddling.
Until now my thoughts are.
- benefits:
- Wind gusts in heavy weather have no grip on the paddle while paddling
- Noiseless paddling
- Easy to stow on deck
- Less stress on wrists
- slower. 1-2 km/h slower than with a wing-paddle
- Much less grip in surf for (high) braces
- Higher paddling rate/frequency
- Sculling is less easy
- Paddle rudder a bit tricky , but can be learned may be
- High five is tricky but can be learned may be
- disadvantage: