Everybody has his habits: good, bad, strange, ... !
One of my habits is that I store a testkajak at home in the narrow corridor: a safe place. That is the way I am used to nurse the properties I borrow from persons.
A few days ago I used the same place to customize theVestVika-testkayak with foam. Doing that I am busy for a couple of hours, making a mess there with all the bits and pieces of foam around the kayak.

It is ready now and in the mean time I paddled the customized kayak and am happy with the result.
Most of the time I can't be stopped in preaching felllow-kayakkers how important it is to customize your own kayak to suit your own physics.
It is not the first time I am asthonished about the result, in such a way that a kayak can behave completely different (read: much better) than before the customizing.
Try yourself.